Is determining whether a case is still good law arduous and time consuming?
Get a snapshot of all the citing authorities of a given case with JADE's Precedent Tracker for more efficient and effective legal analysis.
While you're reviewing a case in JADE, locate the feature icons at the top left of the page. Select the Visualisations icon represented by three circles arranged in a triangle, then select 'Precedent Tracker'.
Here you have a snapshot of the citing authorities your case:
- Cases to the left are those cited by the decision.
- Cases to the right are citations of your decision.
- Hovering over the connecting lines shows the relationship between the cases, which you can click to read the citations.
You can leverage JADE's other Case Law Visualisation tools, such as the Similarity Tool, or mapping out any subsequent citations with Parallel Citations.
Learn more about the time-saving legal research tools available with JADE Professional below.